christian church

Springboro UCC Church Services
Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. worship is offered in person, as well as online.

Each church service includes worship music, a special children’s message, scripture and a relevant message designed to spiritually guide you throughout your everyday life. Sunday School for the youth is held during the service after the children’s message. Our Littlest Angels nursery is available for children ages 4 and under. You are also invited to stay after worship service for food, coffee, and fellowship.

We encourage our members to participate during the service and offer many opportunities if you so choose. You may volunteer to be a liturgist, an usher, a greeter or even sing in the church choir. Your children may want to be acolytes or light our “Extravagant Welcome” candle. Maybe you have a story you would love to share with our youth during the children’s message. Perhaps you would like to showcase your culinary skills and provide snacks for our social hour that follows the service.

open and affirming

We are an open and affirming congregation. We welcome all to join us in worship,  regardless of age, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Worship Services:
Sundays @ 10:30 a.m.
5 West Mill Street,
Springboro, OH 45066

UCC Facebook / Online Services