Church Volunteers, Springboro United Church of Christ
There are many ways church volunteers participate in our services. You may volunteer to be a liturgist, an usher, a greeter or even sing in the choir. Your children may want to be acolytes or you may want to provide snacks for our social hour following most Sunday services.
We also have volunteer options available for our fall OktoberFest festival, caring for the church grounds and more. So whatever your talent, we definitely could use all the help we can get. We encourage our members to help with Sunday church services or in any way they are comfortable. Only through our continued teamwork can we keep our church running smoothly.
If you would like to volunteer, please call us at (937) 748-1969, or fill out the form below.
Call us today to schedule a meeting or tour at(937) 748-1969, or send us ane-mail by clicking here. Services are held at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday – hope to see you soon!