When life presents situations that are difficult to overcome on your own, you may need outside support from a trusted resource — which is why we offer church counseling services. We help all area residents (not just UCC members), cope with a variety of situations, drawing upon our Christian beliefs and faith.
Our counselors strive to provide the best possible care for those seeking assistance. Pastor Terry Carlisle is a licensed addictions therapist and pastoral counselor and has been director of both a counseling center and director of a domestic violence safe house.
He can help persons suffering from chemical dependency and other addictive behavior, grief and marital issues as well as depression, relationships and anxiety. Using the teachings of Jesus Christ, he offers personal and confidential support in our church — 5 West Mill Street in Springboro.
Pam Benjamin is a former victim of abuse and assists Pastor Carlisle with support and education groups or individual sessions for those (men and women) who are suffering or have suffered from physical, emotional or other types of abuse.
Counseling Services Include:
Individual Counseling
Couples Counseling
Family Counseling
Group Counseling
Addiction Counseling
Grief Counseling
Physical/Emotional Abuse
Location: Springboro United Church of Christ 5 West Mill Street, Sprinboro, OH 45066
Call us today to schedule a meeting or tour at(937) 748-1969, or send us ane-mail by clicking here. Services are held at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday – hope to see you soon!