christian church

2nd Annual Taste of the World

Join us for The 2nd Annual Springboro UCC Taste of the World dinner!

taste of the world

The event will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2016, at 6:00 pm at the church fellowship hall. Come and enjoy fabulous selections of foods prepared from countries around the world.

If you plan to bring a dish to share, please bring small portions for about 20 – 25 people. Choose a main dish, side dish, or dessert from the following countries to prepare: Belize, Finland, Iceland, Mongolia, Morocco, Peru, Russia, Spain, Vietnam, Tanzania, Turkey, or Uzebekistan. Bring a copy of your dish name along with the recipe. Also, find two interesting facts about your country to bring as well.  These items will be placed beside your dish.  Flags of each nation will be provided for you to place by your dish.

If you don’t want to prepare a dish, please come and enjoy the food and fellowship anyway!  There’s always plenty to share!

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