christian church

Pastor and Church Leaders, Springboro United UCC

church leaders

The Pastor of Springboro United Church of Christ is Terry Carlisle, who has recently celebrated his 35th year as an ordained minister. Terry has had pastoral assignments in Chicago Illinois, Buffalo, New York, Findlay, Dayton and Cincinnati, as well as having served as a hospital chaplain and a Hospice chaplain.

He has earned two masters degrees – the first in theology and the second in counseling.

Pastor Carlisle has provided private practice family counseling and has been director of a counseling center, a domestic violence shelter, and has provided psychological assessments for a number of special needs. He believes in supporting a strong connection for the church youth and including them in the services and outreach programs of the church. The UCC youth are encouraged to attend a yearly Confirmation class and the older kids also help spearhead a special auto-detailing project in their free time.

Sermons in the Springboro UCC will usually focus on practical issues that affect people in everyday life, and he, with other members of the church and the community, provides support groups and consultation/counseling for persons in grief and victims of family abuse. Pastor Terry is also working to re-create a clergy association to focus the local churches in a unified way. In doing so, they would better be able to speak to and deal with common issues that occur in our community.

He believes in being part of the community, and is a member of the Springboro Chamber of Commerce, and has literally gone door to door with youth and adult volunteers distributing flyers regarding domestic violence, family abuse and other projects or issues.

Call us today to schedule a meeting or tour at (937) 748-1969, or send us an e-mail by clicking here.
Services are held at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday – hope to see you soon!